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cubby bookcase for kids’ bedroom toy storage

4 secrets to tackling kids’ room storage

From play kitchens to building blocks, managing and even — GASP! — incorporating kids’ toys into your everyday décor is a challenge. 

To tame the toy beast and help you find ways to coexist with all the little kids’ things in harmony, here are four secrets to kids’ room storage from Alicia Lacy of Curbly:
1.     Pick furniture that will grow with your child.

When it comes to storages for a kids room, you should be sure to think outside the toy box. Rather than purchasing a traditional storage chest or toy storage cubby system, consider a sideboard, credenza, chest of drawers or storage ottoman. A more substantial piece may feel cavernous for kids, but you can manage the potentially overwhelming size with drawer systems, shoe boxes, or smaller containers.
2.     Don’t underestimate bookcases or wall shelves.

Bookcases are a perfect example of kids' room storage furniture that grows with your children. When they’re small, they can house books and toy bins. As they get older, bookcases and wall shelving systems can display trophies and collections while still holding their favorites books. Pick a solid color the kids won’t grow out of, either a neutral white or bold primary color, for longevity. Just make your bookcases (and all other kids’ bedroom furniture) are mounted correctly and fastened to the wall to comply with all safety standards!
3.     Embrace baskets.

Baskets work very well for small and medium-sized toys like stuffed animals, doll clothes, cars and trucks. There are a lot of beautiful, affordable options, and they’re easy for kids to manage.

EXPERT TIP: Alicia packs small pieces like toy building blocks and doll accessories in clear plastic or acrylic containers so the kids can see easily them.

wire baskets for toy storageGinger Bowie used see-through wire baskets to store toys in her boy’s room.

4.     Display the toys!

There are ways to stylishly organize and display the trillion Matchbox cars and beads. Try a display bookcase that’s made for just that — showing off the kids’ collectibles and favorite books with a sliding door and book display. Or take a brief gander at Pinterest for an array of inspiring ideas. 

toy storage in bookcase with cubby
Show off  toys in a multipurpose bookcase/footboard anywhere in the house. Photo credit: Melissa Griffiths (left) and Allison Griffith (right).
For more bedroom inspiration:
Top kids’ toy storage image courtesy of Allison Griffith
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